How to Check Your Active Taxpayer Status in Punjab Revenue Authority


Operating a business in Punjab and subject to Sales Tax on Services? Maintaining an active taxpayer status is crucial for compliance with the Punjab Sales Tax on Services Act, 2012. Here’s a guide to easily checking your status using the Punjab Revenue Authority (PRA) website:

1. Visit the PRA Website:

Head to the official website of the Punjab Revenue Authority:

2. Access “Search Taxpayer” Section:

Locate the “Search Taxpayer” section on the homepage or use the search bar to find it.

3. Select “Active Taxpayer List”:

From the dropdown menu available within “Search Taxpayer,” choose “Active Taxpayer List.”

4. Enter Your Details:

To proceed, provide your CNIC, National Tax Number (NTN) or Sales Tax Registration Number (STRN). Select the relevant ID and enter it accurately.

5. Click “Search”:

Once you’ve entered your identification number, click the “Search” button.

6. Check Your Status:

The search results will display your business name, registration details, and current Active Taxpayer status. Look for clear confirmation as “Active” or “Inactive.”

Additional Options:

  • The PRA website also allows downloading the entire Active Taxpayer List (ATL) as a file for your reference.
  • This method is available for both taxpayers and withholding agents to verify their active status.

Staying Informed:

  • Regularly checking your Active Taxpayer status helps ensure compliance and avoid potential penalties.
  • The PRA website offers contact information for its helpline and support services if you encounter any issues or require further clarification.


    as per my understanding only services providing companies need to register with PRA Punjab ,but I am dealing with business of physical goods, not services. Do I still need to register with pra Punjab ?
    I’m registered in FBR NTN,GSTN Do I still need to register separately with PRA Punjab ?
    please reply on email

    1. GST on goods is paid to FBR while GST on services in paid to respected province. If you’re not selling any services you dont need to register in your provincial revenue authority.

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