Step-by-Step Guide: Registering Your Beneficial Owners with the FBR


1. Check if you need to register:

  • This applies to all companies and AOPs registered with the FBR, except non-profit organizations with beneficiaries as the general public.

2. Gather your information:

  • You’ll need details of each beneficial owner, including names, dates of birth, nationalities, CNIC/NICOP/NTN numbers, and passport numbers (if applicable).
  • Identify the type of control each beneficial owner has (direct shareholding, chain of ownership, joint control, voting rights, etc.).
  • Determine the percentage of ownership or control for each beneficial owner.

3. Access the online system:

  • Visit the FBR website and access the dedicated portal for beneficial owner registration.
  • You’ll need your company/AOP registration details to log in.

4. Complete the form:

  • Choose the appropriate form (“BOF-01” for initial registration or “BOF-02” for existing AOPs/companies) and follow the instructions carefully.
  • Enter all requested information about the beneficial owners.
  • Upload any required documents, such as copies of identification documents or agreements.

5. Submit and confirm:

  • Review your information before submitting the form electronically.
  • You’ll receive a confirmation email with a reference number.
  • Keep this reference number for your records.

6. Updates and changes:

  • Notify the FBR within 30 days of any changes in the beneficial owner information.
  • Use the appropriate online form to update your records.

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